Some do abuse this mechanic to an extent where it is unfair. I also agree that sandbagging is detrimental to the pvp matchmaking. But, I certainly have more fun playing against other classes (even sadida c: ) I don't condemn you for playing like this. The only downside is when I encounter a "regular" cra. Get a spell variant so you can move as close to cra on t1 as possible (preferably to lock). There is no reason other classes can't also do this to a degree. I ended up just making a specific set to counter this t1 abuse and it works most of the time. Usually half of them are water instead of fire. I play a lot of koli with a 174 hupper so 9/10 koli fight are against cra (usually 199 or 200). Often it is by abusing another mechanic (idols come to mind.) People will naturally farm the next best efficient way to make kamas. If they really want to change the koli farm meta, they would remove pebbles from most crafts or something to lower their price. Most classes can't do 2.5k+ damage t1, and ankama shouldn't rebalance around that. Koli was created without economic incentives. I think it is reasonable that you get a lot of backlash for this strategy, because people feel that it goes against ankama pvp balance and intention. I hope this isn't too messy, if you have questions or need clarifications don't hesite to ask :) have a good day! Often classes with +5% ratings like sacri, ougi, or sram. With this character I often face lvl 200 opponents with 3800-4200 1v1 rating. I feel it's important to precise that I do have a very very optimised build to allow me to do that (on jahash, a mono-account server) my gear is with the dofus included, worth over 250millions. I maintain a 4700-4800 1v1 rating, making me (ona verage with an estimated 50% win rate)9-10k kolizetons every day. It takes me about 5 hours to do all 100 fights on average. I'll finish this by saying that as an exemple, I personnally farm with a lvl 199 intelligence cra. I'd like to have your opinions on this practice, and how you think it impact the game (good or bad) I know this is loaded in information (and it might even be unreading as I'm not english but french and I'm not 100% confident in my abilities to explain these game mechanics correctly/without making mistakes.But it was I felt it was important I tried to explain it best I could to the english community that might not fully understand why they sometimes fight overly optimised characters and feel it's unfair or that they have to fight characters witha lotmore rankign than them. So that sums up why we farm with lvl 199 characters, why some class have higher rating than others and why some classes are played a lot more than others when farming. The opposite is also true for classes that the game considers hard to play, weak in pvp,giving them a -5% ''bonus''. Some have a (hidden, just like the lvl 200 hidden rating modifier) modifier because the game considers them over/under powered vis-a-vis other classe (Ex: classes with lots of summons or class passives like sadida,sacri,osamodas,etc.

Dofus has a system for ''equalizing'' certain class in pvp. Ihope this clarify why you encounter lots of lvl 199 characters (if you are lvl 200). This way we can do a lot of fights/hour with a ~50% win rate, maintaining a good rating while making somewhat good money. So I'd like to explain why we do it: When you lvl up 200, the game assumes that you are 15% more efficient than a fights that would last more than a few minutes, or unfavorable matchup that would most of the time result in a loss. But I think there's a missconception of what we're accually doing (and it's totally understandable since video's explaining what we're doing are made by Huz who is french). So I personnally do 100 koli everyday with a lv 199 cra and almost every english player I encounter tells me I'm ''abusing'' or ''cheating'' the system, which is somewhat true.

Hello :) So I'd like to clarify that I'm french and thus lvl 199 farming is pretty commun, or at least understood in my community.